Fathers’ Rights

When I first started practicing law, I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be representing fathers. Having been a single parent, in college and law school, I never imagined a mother would deny a father visitation or use the child as leverage. But in my years of practicing law, I have seen just that. And to say the least, it is heartbreaking.
As a woman, I cannot understand the plight of fathers but I do understand what is right, irrespective of gender. The fathers I’ve had the pleasure and honor of representing have helped me to grow as a person, woman and lawyer. It is has humbled me in many respects.
I believe in equitable results, fair treatment, and child support. I do not believe in standard visitation, unless that’s what my client wants, negativity, or generalizations. This attitude has served me well in representing dads and I believe it will continue to do so.