Criminal Defense
From misdemeanor to complex felony charges, the effect of either can have catastrophic consequences. For some, it may prevent you from obtaining employment, housing, loans, or even attending school. Anytime you or a love one is faced with a criminal charge, you should seek legal representation as early as possible. That time is immediately after you know a criminal investigation has been launched against you or after you have been arrested. This way, we are able to protect your rights from the onset.
There may be times, however, where you are unable to obtain an attorney right away. No worries, we are still able to protect your rights. We are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and a host of constitutional arsenals based in sound case law to step in, at any stage of the criminal proceedings, and force the state to make their case against you.
When a criminal charge is pending against you, you need to a competent attorney. That attorney is Ella A. Hughes. The right representation can be the difference between guilty or not guilty verdict.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If you are called to the police station for questioning or you are arrested, do not make a statement. It does not matter if you are promised a deal, better treatment, or threatened. Tell the officer you want a lawyer and that you have nothing to say. It does not matter if you are told that it’s okay to talk or “Your lawyer said you can make a statement.” Tell the officer, “You want a lawyer,” and that “You have nothing to say.” The police officer is required to stop all questioning.