Civil Rights

Civil rights are the backbone and lifelines of democracy. They help to ensure all persons are treated equally and afforded the same rights, opportunities, and protections regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation and a host of other inherited characteristics. However, there are times when these rights are violated. The practice of civil rights law exists to correct these violations and bring solace and relief to those effected.
Some civil rights cases involve voter suppression, education, housing, sexual discrimination and free speech. At THG, we focus primarily on Fourth Amendment violations with respect to prisoners’ rights, police misconduct, police brutality, and racial discrimination.
From the onset and rise of the Covid-19 pandemic, the multiple racially motivated assaults and killings of unarmed African American men and women, to the presidential election, 2020 has proven to be a year of unrest and unprecedented events. These events have, in many ways, further divided the nation, re-opened unhealed wombs, and left some communities forever shattered. If left unchecked, the future of democracy lies in the balance of survival and destruction. Rather than watch on the sidelines or simply comment, THE HUGHES GROUP has vowed to be part of the solution.